
Welcome to the school website for Saint Mary’s Primary School Portaferry and I thank you for taking the time to visit. At Saint Mary’s we are a warm, welcoming school community that wants and expects the very best for our pupils who are at the centre of everything that we do. Our school serves the parish of Saint Patrick’s and Portaferry.
We envisage our website to be a means of communicating with our present pupils and parents, our school community and parish, our prospective parents and to our wider audience both at home and abroad It is also a great opportunity for you to keep up to date with what is going on in school and to comment on any policies we are revising.
While you visit this website we hope that we can give you an insight into the many exciting, wonderful and innovative things that happen in our school throughout the year. You will get a feel for the breadth of educational experiences provided here at Saint Mary’s and hopefully answer some of the questions you may have about our school.
We have wonderful children and a great school and I hope you enjoy the various pages on offer on our website so that you get a real insight into the life of our school. However, a website cannot truly encapsulate the true essence of any school, so if you enjoy what you see why not come along for a visit and experience the warm and caring environment for yourself. Our partnership with families begins the moment you walk through the door and become part of our school family. Feel free to contact the school should you wish to arrange a visit or need any additional information. We look forward to meeting you.
Mr Gilchrist
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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, 53 Windmill Hill, Portaferry, Newtownards, BT22 1RH Phone: 028 4272 8278