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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry


2023/2024 School Year

13th Dec 2023
Today Primary 5 had a very difficult task of selecting the colouring competition...
13th Dec 2023
We took the boys and girls in the Nursery class on a festive trip today.  We...
13th Dec 2023
A big thank you to the P4 children, their parents, Mrs O’Neill, Cindy, Pauline,...
13th Dec 2023
Parents, grandparents, extended family and friends, you are in for a real treat and...
12th Dec 2023
On Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th of December, our school will be taking part in the...
12th Dec 2023
What a great time everyone had as they watched Rapunzel in The Waterfront yesterday....
12th Dec 2023
P4 are hosting a Christmas Bake Sale for all our pupils in school tomorrow, Wednesday...
11th Dec 2023
Well done to all the boys and girls who turned out to sing at the Portaferry Twilight...
8th Dec 2023
Today at Assembly we presented Pupil of the Week certificates to Jacob (P1), Ruairi...
7th Dec 2023
P6 have been very busy making decorative angels to help raise money for the Children's...