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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry


15th Sep 2024
Primary six and seven had a lovely morning at the Portico on Friday. As part of European...
13th Sep 2024
Our Pupil's of the Week this week were Niko (P1), Jacob (P2), Ruairi (P3), Alfie...
12th Sep 2024
P6 are loving their WAU topic ‘An Gorta Mor’ - The Great Hunger, all...
12th Sep 2024
Primary 3 have had a fantastic start back to primary school this month. We have been...
11th Sep 2024
Thank you to all who turned out for our Curriculum Meetings yesterday in school....
11th Sep 2024
Today we started off our journey of learning about procedural writing (instructions)...
11th Sep 2024
Peggy will be back for Judo tomorrow Thursday. This is open to all P1/2/3 from 2.00-3.00pm...
10th Sep 2024
Please find below a letter and attachment issued by SEAG in relation to the upcoming...
9th Sep 2024
We were delighted to start our new After School Club yesterday with Jymkidz. Our...
9th Sep 2024
P4 enjoyed lots of ‘Active Learning Experiences’ inside and outside the...