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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry


17th Sep 2024
As part of their new topic ‘Wonderful Me’ our class have been learning...
17th Sep 2024
Our Primary Five class have settled very well into the new school routines. Both...
17th Sep 2024
In P1, we have been revising the names of 2D shapes. This week, our focus is the...
17th Sep 2024
P4 celebrated ‘Roald Dahl Day’ recently in class. They enjoyed a presentation...
16th Sep 2024
Today in Primary 6 we investigated the properties of some 3D shapes using Clixi...
15th Sep 2024
Primary six and seven had a lovely morning at the Portico on Friday. As part of European...
13th Sep 2024
Our Pupil's of the Week this week were Niko (P1), Jacob (P2), Ruairi (P3), Alfie...
12th Sep 2024
P6 are loving their WAU topic ‘An Gorta Mor’ - The Great Hunger, all...
12th Sep 2024
Primary 3 have had a fantastic start back to primary school this month. We have...
11th Sep 2024
Thank you to all who turned out for our Curriculum Meetings yesterday in school....