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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry


11th Sep 2024
Today we started off our journey of learning about procedural writing (instructions)...
11th Sep 2024
Peggy will be back for Judo tomorrow Thursday. This is open to all P1/2/3 from 2.00-3.00pm...
10th Sep 2024
Please find below a letter and attachment issued by SEAG in relation to the upcoming...
9th Sep 2024
We were delighted to start our new After School Club yesterday with Jymkidz. Our...
9th Sep 2024
P4 enjoyed lots of ‘Active Learning Experiences’ inside and outside...
6th Sep 2024
We are very excited about the new range of After School Clubs which are being organised...
6th Sep 2024
It is hard to believe that it is only the first full week back into the new school...
6th Sep 2024
We have had a busy week in Nursery.  The boys and girls have had a great time....
5th Sep 2024
We are delighted that our Breakfast Club is open once again and it is great to see...
4th Sep 2024
Curriculum meetings for P3-7 classes will be held for parents on Tuesday 10 th ...