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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

A super September in P3!

12th Sep 2024

Primary 3 have had a fantastic start back to primary school this month. We have been enjoying the lovely weather and taking lots of opportunities to learn outside.

In maths we have been revising our number bonds to 10. During our outdoor lesson, we picked some apples from the tree in and used them to demonstrate all the ways that we could make the number 10. We have also been learning about the days of the week and have learnt a song to help us remember.

In literacy we have been exploring procedural writing and instruction. As a class we decided that we would write our very own procedure for the game of hopscotch. We discussed 'what we need', 'instructions' and of course played our own game outside to test it! 

Finally, in 'world around us', this week we have been discussing natural and man made materials and their properties. Mrs. Fowler set us on a scavenger hunt for natural materials in our outdoor classroom and we then used these to create natural 3D pictures.