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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

A Valentine’s Surprise from Nursery!

5th Feb 2025

I know it’s a little early, but the boys and girls have been working hard to create a little surprise for their mummys and daddys this week.  Our shape, this month, is the heart so we decided to use it to create beautiful butterflies to take home as presents.  We decorated the wings with our handprints as little keepsakes of our lovely, wee hands right now!  There was also a lot of thought and deliberation over what colour of heart stickers to add to the antennae!  Their smiles say it all!  They are very proud of their creations, as they should be! They have also been learning this song too and I’m sure they would be happy to give you a little rendition of it! Happy Valentine’s Day from the boys and girls in Nursery!