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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

All in a day’s work in P3 👷👷‍♀️

15th May 2024

On Wednesday we were busy learning in lots of different ways.

In the morning we did lots of practical maths work and looked at how to read a calendar. We collaborated with a partner to learn about different types of sailing vessels and their functions and read our discoveries out to the rest of the class. We listened to and followed instructions for a Pirate treasure hunt through our school and even found real treasure at the end!! In the afternoon it was time to go to the computer suite and use our skills to log on, find mathletics, activate the camera, scan the QR code and complete some calendar tasks in preparation for our computerized test in the next few weeks. 💻➕➖🟰🧮
Phew! Another busy day 🤩🤩