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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Car colour survey in P3. 🚗 🚘 🚙

4th Mar 2025

To kick off our transport topic, on Monday, primary three took part in a car colour survey. We set up camp in the chapel car park and took a tally of how many of each colour of car passed. We even gave a few waves to the the drivers passing! We noted our data and discussed it when we got back to school.

Today, we used the data that we collected to create a bar chart using J2E. We typed in the different colours in to our frequency table, input the amount, selected the colour of the bar and watched the bar chart grow. Most importantly, we learned how to name and save our work! We then reset the data to be shown as a block graph and pie chart. It was interesting to see our results displayed in so many different ways. We finished with a chat about which type of graph was the best for showing our results. 

The children enjoyed this activity that helped to develop their outdoor learning, maths, WAU and ICT skills!