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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Christmas Mass Times

17th Dec 2024

Father McGrady has requested the children to bring the baby Jesus figure from their cribs to Mass this weekend Saturday 21st &  Sunday 22nd December to be blessed.

The celebration for Mass for Christmas will be 

TUESDAY 24TH DECEMBER                   5.00pm St Patrick’s Church

                                                St Patrick’s Church

WEDNESDAY 25TH DECEMBER             9.30am St Patrick’s Church

It is hoped by bringing the Christmas Eve Masses to an earlier time, it will be more convenient for families especially children to attend Mass and celebrate the birth of Jesus. There is also a beautiful crib erected in St Patrick’s for the children to come along and admire. 

The chapel choir and folk group have put a lot of practice into preparing for these, so come along and enjoy the beautiful Christmas carols during Mass.