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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Don't Hog the hedge - LSC 2

25th Nov 2024

As part of our topic on Autumn we read 'Don't Hog the Hedge' during literacy. This is the story about a hedgehog called Hattie who was preparing for hibernation and she was making her nest in the hedge but other animals wished to join her. She shared her space until there is no room left for her and then she gave up her space in the hedge. This story gave us lots of learning opportunities and discussions about putting the needs of others before our own. We completed comprehensions, sequencing and grammar related activities. During our reading the boys quickly spotted lots of alliteration had been used. Then we made a hedgehog hotel outside for local hedgehogs to hibernate. We thought they would be lonely so we made some friends to welcome them out of clay and spaghetti.