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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Farewell to Primary 7

21st Jun 2024

Today, we had the difficult task of saying our farewells to the boys and girls or Primary 7. As they embark on the next phase of their educational journey, we hope that what they can also take away from our school is to have the belief, the strength and the courage to be themselves. It is recognised that each of our pupils have wonderful talents and abilities and we hope that they can take these skills and use them to make a difference in our world. We ask them to continue to light up the lives of everyone they meet just as they have done to everyone they have had dealings with in St Mary’s. Be the best version of you that you can be.

As a schooling community, we are so proud of our Primary 7 pupils and we know they all have loving families that are so proud of them too. Their future schools do not know how lucky they are to have them but we are very sad to see you go. We look forward to hearing stories about their future adventures and all we ask is that they don’t be strangers. Be sure to come back and let us know how you are getting on.