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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Friday Celebration - 7th October 2022

7th Oct 2022

During this month of October our focus in school is on "Handwriting and Presentation of Work" We were delighted to present certificates to Leo, Tyler, Caoimhe, Isla, Cillian, Enda and Carli. 

Also at Assembly we celebrated together with Jack and Cliodhna in Primary 3 who were this week’s Stars of Judo; Ethan (P4) was selected as his football teams captain for this week; Kobi (P4) attendedhis first guitar lesson; Meah (P6) won a Rosette for her first clear round in show jumping and we wished our Under 11 hurlers good luck as they will be playing during half time of the Senior County Final on Sunday.