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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Friday Celebrations - 6th September 2024

6th Sep 2024

It is hard to believe that it is only the first full week back into the new school year and all of our pupils have settled very well back into the school routine. Today we came together as a schooling community to celebrate our beginning of the new year mass and our choir and pupils were fantastic through their participation and involvement in the mass. 
Our first Pupils of the Week for this new year were Beth (P2), Isla Rose (P3), Rosa (P4), Caoimhe (P5), Michael (P6), Harrison (P7) and Noah (LSU). We celebrated together with Nancy (P3) who won a trophy for Judo, Aodhan (P3) who started his new swimming class, Belle (P6) passed her Grade 1 ballet exam, Hannah (P6) won her camogie blitz and Charlie (P6) ran 1/2 a mile by himself. Birthday wished were sent to Michael (P6) and Riley (P7).  Remember our new After School programme begins on Monday 9th September 2024 and you must visit to book your child in. Enjoy your weekend.