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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Friday's Great Growers and Gardeners!

8th May 2020

This week has been a special week for Ronan (P4) with his very own 8th birthday celebration. We hope you had a lovely day. I'm told there have been lots of virtual birthday parties in recent times so a big 'Happy Birthday' to everyone! Ronan and his Dad have been busy planting up their flower boxes and some basil plants that his Mum loves to use in her recipes. Great gardening Ronan! Cassie (P5) and Luis (P3) have also been busy making, painting and planting up a very long planter outside their house. They even managed to fit in a little 'Fairy Garden' for the girls. They also sent in a beautiful picture of the May Altar inside their house. Beautiful Cassie and Luis! Ronan (P5) and his Dad have been busy reseeding their lawn. Great job Ronan! Bradan (P6) and Aoibhe (P5) have been watching a wood pigeon build her nest in a tree in their granny's garden. The pigeon is now sitting on her eggs as Bradan and Aoibhe excitedly watch on to see if there are new arrivals soon. Fantastic 'Nature Watch' folks! James (P4) sent a little message to say 'Hello'. He has taken up photography with a lovely shot of Strangford Lough from the top of the Windmill Hill. He has also been planting up flower boxes at his house. Brilliant James! Oscar (P1) planted some petunias five weeks ago. He has been watering and taking care of them everyday. Today he was very excited to see them begin to bloom. 

Thank you all for taking part in our 'Grow' week challenge. Next week Mon 11th - Fri 15th is 'Learn' week. We will be asking you to get all your photographs together and showcase your amazing 'Lockdown Learning'. Maybe you have learned a new sports skill, taken up a new hobby, learned a new crafting, baking, gardening, dance or music skill. Maybe you have learned more about Nature, Science, Maths or English, your faith and our wonderful community spirit. We would love to hear from all of you! More details to follow and then send all 'Learn' photos to