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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Grandparents' Day at St. Mary's

29th Jan 2025

Today, we were able to hold our postponed prayer service for grandparents, after the storm disrupted our plans at the end of Catholic Schools Week. It was fantastic to see so many grandparents coming into our school with their grandchildren, who were all very excited to be bringing them in! The atmosphere in the dinner hall was buzzing as everyone enjoyed a lovely cuppa with a tasty snack. This was all while catching up on people's news and reading the beautiful displays of work, by all the children in the school, telling us what makes their grandparents so special. Thanks to Pauline and Cindy for the hospitality! We then moved over to the chapel for the prayer service which was led beautifully by the P7 children with some entertaining and heartfelt testimonies from children representing the classes from Nursery up to P7 as well as hearing 2 amazing interviews of grandparents by their grandchildren. We gave thanks for all of our grandparents and also remembered those who have passed away, yet remain in our hearts. Thank you to all who came out to celebrate with us today.