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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Magnificent Makers Day 4 Part 1

24th Apr 2020

We are all so proud to see all of the skills that are being developed through our 'Make,Bake,Grow and Learn Challenge' in lots of homes among our schooling community. Today for our 'Make Challenge' we have Lucy (Nursery) and Adam (P4) who have helped their Dad to make small wooden stools. They measured and cut the wood to size, sanded, drilled and painted. The stools look amazing and will be wonderful memories of this time. Aoibhe (P6) and Abbie (P4) have been busy making delicious pancakes. Well done girls! They look lovely. Ruairi (P2) made a gigantic cookie with rainbow coloured sweets and chocolate chips on top. Yum,yum! Michael made a wildflower bug hotel. I'm sure all the bees, butterflies and ladybirds will enjoy it Michael. Luis (P3) and Cassie (P5) finished their 'Animal' project when they made a big craft display which contained lots of facts on each animal. Brilliant learning folks and brilliant art work too! More 'Magnificent Makers' to follow later today.