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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Mathletics Presentation🌟🏆

10th Jan 2025

Today we had a very special assembly to acknowledge all the hard work of our pupils on Mathletics. Platinum, gold, silver and bronze certificates galore! Well done to all our P3-P7 pupils who continue to log on to this wonderful, interactive, fun learning resource at home and in school. A big thank you to all their parents, teachers and assistants who continue to support and encourage their learning in Mathematics and Numeracy. As well as all the activities, tasks, problem solving challenges, videos and  apps within Mathletics, there are many revision booklets for every class which can be downloaded and printed out at home to aid progression. Mrs O’Neill, our Numeracy co-ordinator is delighted with the results so far and encourages everyone to log on at least a few times a week, especially as we are working towards ‘Mathletics World Maths Day’ on 26th March.