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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Mathletics Round-Up🌟

17th Jun 2024

As we approach the end of the academic year, we have some fabulous Mathletics results and statistics to share with you. From September to June, our pupils have achieved 3 Legend certificates, 18 Epic certificates, 27 Diamond certificates, 39 Emerald certificates, 70 Platinum certificates, 108 Gold certificates, 159 Silver certificates and 287 Bronze certificates. 

The P3-P7 pupils have scored 1,319,030 Curriculum Points and 49,999 Live Mathletics Points. 

Pupils voluntarily completed 5,219 Mathletics activities as well as 5,226 teacher assigned activities.

The percentage of pupils accessing Mathletics at home now matches those accessing it in school which is testimony to families using Mathletics as a positive reinforcement tool to aid Numeracy and Maths development. 

Almost 80% of our pupils scored between 85-100% in Mathletics tasks with 20% scoring up to 84% in tasks.

Most importantly, in September 2023 average activity scores were 79%. This has gone up to a wonderful 91% with an average improvement of 12%. 

Positive parental partnerships, pupil enthusiasm, teacher and classroom assistant knowledge of and help with this amazing online program has been invaluable. Mrs O’Neill (the Numeracy co-ordinator) is delighted with the results.

Mathletics will be available in school until the end of June and over the summer holidays. Prevent ‘the summer slide’ and revise vital topics by accessing Mathletics at home. Mathletics booklets for all Maths topics can also be downloaded and printed at home if you so wish when you log in with your child. Log in with your child's username and password and click on 'Resources' and then 'Workbooks' to view a wonderful array of Maths material for all ages.

Well done everyone for working so hard at home and in school in Mathletics!