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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 ‘A Great Start to 2025’🌟🐞📚

6th Jan 2025

Primary Four arrived back to school full of enthusiasm and excitement. Along with the rest of the pupils, they attended the mass of the Epiphany and when they went back to class, they looked at the story of ‘The Three Kings’ in their Grow in Love programme. It is so important that in this special year of 2025, when the P4 boys and girls will make their First Holy Communion that they attend mass as often as possible so that they can join in with all the prayers and responses.

P4 were introduced to the concept of Multiplication this week as they talked about and discovered teams of, sets of, groups of certain numbers and completed activities in their brand new Heinemann Maths workbooks.

For Literacy, they discussed Report Writing which fitted in well with their new WAU topic ‘Minibeasts’. They found lots of facts about minibeasts in books from their class library and have begun to create a ‘Minibeast Hotel’ display. Their whole class fictional book is ‘James and the Giant Peach’. They enjoyed listening to the audiobook version on the interactive whiteboard and reading some of the paperback version. They completed verbal comprehension work on it. There are many minibeasts mentioned in this brilliant book too! Phonics took the form of the ‘s’ sound made using a single s, double s, c and ce to name but a few ways. 

Homework will continue as normal for P4 with the addition of Times Tables work, preparation for Catholic Schools Week and First Holy Communion as and when needed in the near future. Important dates for the P4 diary are the P4 Enrolment Ceremony which  will take place in school on 12th March at 2.15pm and to which all P4 parents are invited to help their child prepare for the sacrament. ‘Mathletics World Maths Day’ will happen on 26th March so keep up with Mathletics work too.

A fantastic start to the new year with lots more wonderful, active learning experiences planned in the weeks and months ahead!🌟