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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 Active Learning Superstars🌟

9th Sep 2024

P4 enjoyed lots of ‘Active Learning Experiences’ inside and outside the classroom in the past few days. During Literacy, they examined fact and fictional books, discussed their class stories; ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and a lovely book based on the maritime heroine ‘Grace Darling’. They searched for important words and predicted outcomes. They also took part in a hot-seating drama activity where they took on the roles of the main characters as they learned about planning and resilience when they solved each character’s dilemma. Fantastic cross-curricular work P4!

For WAU, the class tracked the development of ‘Lifeboats through the Years’ by examining old and modern photographs in anticipation of their visit to Portaferry Lifeboat Station later in the month.

Numeracy was all about revising addition and subtraction as well as introducing vertical methods of problem solving.

As the weather was so nice, the boys and girls showed great teamwork with their outdoor parachute activities.

During ‘Grow in Love’, the children learned about Jesus’ special friends who were his apostles. They really loved listening to and singing ‘The Apostles Song’  to help them to remember all twelve names.

The class are really looking forward to showing their parents their New Wave textbooks this week. Mrs O'Neill and Mary can't wait to see magnificent homeworks. Keep up the great work P4!🌟