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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 EXCEL at their work!🌟📚💻

20th Feb 2025

Following on from their wonderful ICT work on ‘Scratch Junior’ animations and ‘Just2easy’ programming in Term 1, the P4 children were able to access ‘Mathletics’ and ‘Minecraft Education’ as a whole class, now that we have a fully resourced ICT suite thanks to the wonderful fundraising efforts of our PSG over many years. The boys and girls really enjoyed logging on to the brand new chrome books with the help of Mrs O’Neill and our student technician, Mr Mason. The future certainly looks much brighter as regards ICT in our school! 

P4 have been very busy preparing for their Enrolment Ceremony on 12th March and to which all P4 parents are invited to attend. They have been learning about Jesus, the apostles and ‘The Last Supper’ in their Grow in Love series as well as singing hymns, producing lovely artwork and saying their prayers at home and in school. 

During Numeracy, P4 have been ‘wrapping up’ their multiplication topic with lots of higher level, two step worded problem solving. They have truly embraced using their RUCSAC strategies of reading, understanding, choosing, solving, answering and checking their work as they continue to explain their thinking and recording methods.

Literacy in P4 continued with Accelerated Reader, their book study of ‘James and the Giant Peach’ as well as phonics which focused on the ‘K’ sound made using; k, c, ck, lk, ch, cc and qu this week.

Finally, the P4 children showed great leadership, communication, construction, teamwork and STEM skills as they worked together to make jigsaws and ‘Minibeast Hotels’ for their WAU topic during their Activity Based Learning sessions.

Brilliant work P4! We are very proud of you all.🌟