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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 Internet Safety Day

7th Feb 2023

P4 had lots of fun and advice for each other about using the internet in a safe way. They read and discussed the story of ‘Hanni and The Magic Window’ which was about a little girl who loved lots of outdoor and indoor activities as well as using her computer to help her with her school work, homework and to play games. The author of the story used the window as a metaphor for screen time. Hanni came across some unsuitable material as she looked through the window. She was sensible enough to tell ‘safe adults’ and they helped her to solve the problem. P4 agreed that if they ever came across anything unsuitable on the internet that they would tell a ‘safe adult’. They also learned the importance of age appropriate games, having supervision while on the internet, blocking and reporting.

The internet is a wonderful resource and P4 have loved using it to research their WAU topics, improve their Maths skills through Mathletics, access Accelerated Reader, for coding and to view the c2k Newsdesk to name but a few. There are many additional fantastic websites, support systems and apps available on the school website in the ‘Home Learning-Links’ section which can help pupils continue to learn in a safe environment. Enjoy exploring them with your child as part of their learning journey.

This week, the P4 boys and girls also enjoyed working on their 10x tables, learning all the various ways in which the ‘l’ sound can be made, wrote reports on lots of local castles and enjoyed providing percussion accompaniment to a beautiful ‘Seed Song’ poem. Well done P4 as we look forward to a lovely mid-term break.