P4 Living, Learning, Lovingπππ
This week P4 have been so busy as they worked on the story of Zacchaeus in their Grow in Love programme, enjoyed our Grandparents Prayer Service and discussed St. Brigid crosses in preparation for her feast day and special visitors later in the week. Such a lot of brilliant work for Catholic Schools Week.
They continued to research ‘Minibeasts’ for their WAU, Report Writing and wonderful factual comprehension pieces. They also took part in lots of word study work as they investigated nouns, adjectives and verbs in ‘James and the Giant Peach’.
The focus for Numeracy has been the Times Tables as well as problem solving one and two step word problems. Mrs O’Neill cannot emphasise enough, the importance of continuing to log on to Mathletics at home, a few times a week. The children really love their Mathletics sessions in school. There are many tasks, videos and support booklets in the ‘Resources’ area of Mathletics to help support and challenge all children in all mathematical areas. High standards as always in P4. Well done everyone!π
St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, 53 Windmill Hill, Portaferry, Newtownards, BT22 1RH Phone: 028 4272 8278