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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 National Numeracy Day with Miss McCarthy🌟

22nd May 2024

P4 had a new teacher today called Miss McCarthy who took on the role with great planning and lots of active learning. The class excelled at their National Numeracy Day games and activities, worked on assessments and enjoyed plenty of ICT time as well as sweets and treats galore! From Maths to spellings, reading and comprehensions, Miss McCarthy had it all covered helped by quite a number of wonderful P4 assistants. Miss McCarthy said that she thought that teaching a class was a very hard job but that she enjoyed it a lot and would love to become a 'real teacher' when she grows up. Mrs O’Neill and Cindy enjoyed a little, tiny rest today but will definitely be back to ‘full steam ahead’ tomorrow.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day that the class enjoyed PE outdoors with Heather their sports coach. Some boys and girls also had time to check on the progress of our window boxes, flower boxes and ‘Grow Bags’. Jesse and Daniel planted seed potatoes a few weeks ago and we are all delighted to see that everything is growing so well. Fantastic work P4!🌟