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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 Picnic in the Park!🌟🍱

24th Jun 2024

To end the year, P4 organised a great ‘Picnic in the Play Park’. The sun shone gloriously as everyone walked, ran, climbed, bounced, hid, jumped and slid until their hearts were content. The boys and girls enjoyed a lovely outdoor lunch as they chatted and shared memories of P4. On the way back to school, they stopped off at the shore for a little ice-cream treat.
This week P4 also completed their ‘30 Days Wild’ topic with a fantastic Wildlife Trust online quiz where their knowledge of plants and creatures was tested with lots learning new facts too. Well done P4! Mrs O’Neill and Cindy have been delighted with the progress and teamwork that each and every one has made and shown this year. Don’t forget to visit the library and log on to Mathletics to keep skills sharp in anticipation of P5.