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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 show ‘Positive Growth Mindsets’🌟📚🦋

20th Jan 2025

As we enter term two, class work and homework has begun to increase for our P4 children. There are spellings, times tables, prayers and songs to learn. There are extended sentences to write and comprehensions to complete, however, P4 are taking it all in their stride as they have learned all about the power of a ‘Positive Growth Mindset’. They have learned that they give their best, they try their hardest, they help each other, that it is ok to make a mistake and most of all, they work on improving their work and behaviour one little step at at time. We hope that parents will also see the value in using some of the growth mindset statements in this post for homework activities too. 

Our book study this week will focus on ‘Making Connections’ as the boys and girls delve into the heroes and villains in ‘James and the Giant Peach’ comparing them to lots of heroes and villains that they have already encountered in other stories. Today, the class came up with so many adjectives to describe James, Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. Spellings focus on the ‘l’ sound made using a single ‘l’, ‘ll’, ‘el’, ‘il’ and ‘le’.

For Numeracy, lots more Times Tables work with practical Times Tables games, Times Tables videos on Mathletics and daily Times Tables written and ‘maths classroom counting choir’ work-outs.

Congratulations to Hollie and Dara who have been nominated as ‘ICT Digital Leaders’ this week and to Tyler and Rosa who will represent the class by reading their pieces about their grandparents at the special service and to which all grandparents are invited to on Friday.

P4 are also enjoying all their work for ‘The Lion King’ in class and at school choir lessons.

Such wonderful active learning across all areas of the curriculum. Mrs O'Neill and Mary are so proud of everyone. Keep up the fantastic work at home and in school P4.🌟