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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 Superstars🌟

17th Sep 2024

P4 celebrated ‘Roald Dahl Day’ recently in class. They enjoyed a presentation about the life and work of Roald Dahl on the C2k Junior Newsdesk and became ‘Book Detectives’ as they examined lots of his most popular books. During their phonics lessons, they focused on the 'ou' and 'ow' sound. 

It was a big week for Numeracy in P4 as the boys and girls learned how to use their very first Maths textbooks ‘all by themselves’. This is a vital skill and involves lots of reading and solving of word and number problems as well as organising their written work in a tidy, legible way.

Well done to those children who put themselves forward as candidates for the Eco-Council. Conall and Lucie were voted in by their peers. We look forward to seeing who will be voted in for School Council later in the week.

The boys and girls loved their ‘Daily Mile’ sessions too. Thankfully the weather is still so good that they can enjoy lots of outdoor learning.

The P4 ‘Rescue at Sea’ WAU topic is going well. The boys and girls excelled with their ‘Activity Based Learning’ as they built Lego lighthouses, worked on comprehensions based on Grace Darling and completed Lighthouse Pixel Art. Mrs O’Neill, Mary and the whole class are really looking forward to the P4 visit to Portaferry Lifeboat Station next week. Parents, please ensure you complete the online permission for this outing.