P6 Shared Ed Day 1 🎬🐠🐡🐟
12th Mar 2025
Today we met all of our new friends from Kircubbin Integrated PS, Millisle PS and West Winds PS for our first Shared Education day. We went to the Portico where our lovely friend Paula told us a little about the Shared History of Portaferry and showed us an animated Irish film called a Song of the Seas about the Selkies. From there we walked to Exploris where we had a guided tour. We were all familiar with the aquarium but it was great as some of our new friends had never been before. We had time for a play together in the play park before the walk back to school. Some tired boys and girls tonight, who need to get well rested for our trip to Belfast Zoo with our P7s tomorrow!!
St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, 53 Windmill Hill, Portaferry, Newtownards, BT22 1RH Phone: 028 4272 8278