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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Some fields made from cereal, a ‘loveliness of ladybirds’ and planting potatoes...Springtime in P1

5th Apr 2022

Every day is different in P1. On Monday we had a farm in the tuff tray, but the fields were made from cereal... we even had a wee taste of the cheerio field to try it out 😃. 
We also turned the barrel in the play area sideways and crawled inside and pretended we were caterpillars in a cocoon.

We went outside to see the real big Highland toffee cows on the Windmill Hill and while we were there we discovered lots and lots of 🐞... a group of ladybirds is called a ‘loveliness of ladybirds’ which we thought was a beautiful name ❤️. We brought them inside for a little while and then let them go back to their friends in the grass again. 

Farmer Joseph and Farmer Ari also planted some potatoes in a big fish box. We hope that these will grow and when we are in P2 we can dig them up and cook them! 🥔