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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

The return of Copper Wars!

25th May 2023

Today in assembly, Niamh and Carli from the student council, gave us an excellent talk on the council’s latest plans for a June fundraiser. They decided that after the success of last year’s Copper Wars, they would run this initiative again during the first 2 weeks of June, and try to beat last year’s total raised of £700! 

Each class will be challenged to put as many coppers as they possibly can, into their class bucket. Each copper is worth points. In order to sabotage the other classes however, silver coins can be put in other buckets. Each silver coin means points being deducted from that class... so get collecting over the midterm and let’s see which class has the most points at the end. This class will win a VERY special prize!!

It all became very competitive last year, so watch this space for an update after week 1!