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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Thursday's Leading Learners!

14th May 2020

A big 'Happy Birthday' to Grace (P4) who has been enjoying her 8th birthday celebrations with family. She has  also been learning all about Science this week. She is hoping to come up with an antidote for the Coronavirus! Great work Grace and i hope you succeed with the virus antidote soon! Judith Goudy, our school mosaic artist sent in two more photographs of mosaics that were completed by the children before lockdown. A wonderful starfish and flower representing the beauty of the natural world around us. Well done to the boys and girls in Primary 4! I hope you love seeing your beautiful work. Chloe and Ethan (P7) have been busy learning lots of new skills this week too. Chloe has been working on new tunes on her keyboard using her Ipad. She and Ethan have been learning lots about earthquakes and volcanoes with their P7 project work. Ethan and his big brother built some furniture. Ethan put the drawers together and Callum built the frames. Great Maths and Technology boys! Bradan (P6) and his sister Aoibhe (P5) have been researching 'Great Women in History'. Together they looked at the lives of Anne Frank, Rosa Parks and Madame Curie - very inspirational people. For her 'Food' topic, Aoibhe did an experiment with an apple. She covered each quarter in a range of solutions and one with cling film. She found that the parts covered in lemon juice and cling film were most preserved and that the one with baking soda turned brown very quickly. Bradan has also been enjoying the BBC Bitesize Viking programmes and is looking forward to building his own lifesize Viking Longship. Now, that's an idea for a school playground project Braden and I might need to call upon you at a later time to help us with that. Niamh (P4) has been playing 'Time Snap'. She and her Mum have come up with a new strategy for learning this week where they choose handwritten activities from their Home Learning lists from tubs. Niamh also did the 'Darkness into Light' walk at 5am on Saturday morning and has been busy quizzing with her cousins on the web. What a busy girl Niamh! Leah (Nursery) learned how to make some yummy fruit scones for her Nanny and Granny. She left them on their doorsteps for a little surprise. Lovely Leah! Eva-Marie (P5) and Cassie (P5) have been learning new dance steps from their online dance class. Fantastic Eva-Marie and Cassie! If you have learned a new skill this week or just want to get in touch, send your photos and videos to Last day of the 'Make, Bake, Grow and Learn' challenges tomorrow.