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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Tuesday's Learning Leaders!

12th May 2020

It's been another day full of wonderful learning experiences. Judith Goudy, our school mosaic artist was in touch today and sent through the first of this year's completed mosaics. Judith worked with the boys and girls prior to lockdown and I'm sure they will be surprised and delighted to see their finished work. There will be more mosaics to follow during the week so keep an eye out for them. Alannah (P2) and Aine (P4) have been very busy learning about their local environment in recent weeks. They have been dolphin, porpoise and seal spotting at Cook Street quay. They saw some salt crystals too. Marine biology and chemistry rolled into one. Brilliant girls! Hailey (P2) sent a little message to say 'Hello' to all her friends. She has been keeping busy with her school work, going for walks, looking for wildlife, arts, crafts and building a bird house. She even found time to work on some tunes on her keyboard and do a volcano experiment. Wow Hailey, you certainly have been learning lots. Fantastic work! Mrs Gibson has been doing a little gardening this week too and has a few additions to her plant pot collection. Superb! Kian (P6) continues to enjoy reading and has been completing Accelerated Reader quizzes while Niamh (P4) works on her 'Time and Money' worksheets. Niamh has also been busy working on her 'Minibeast and Habitats' topic. She has produced a lovely piece of 'Snail' artwork. You will have to think of a special name for your snail Niamh. If you have been busy learning something new this week, send your photographs and videos to