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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Wednesday Leading Learners!

13th May 2020

I hope that you are all making the most of the wonderful sunshine and taking in the beauty of nature in your gardens and local area. We are so blessed to live in a wonderful location with so many beautiful spots for families to enjoy together. Belle (P1) has been in touch today. She has written a lovely poem about Snow White as part of her Home Learning topic. Wonderful work Belle and such neat handwriting! Ava (P3) has been busy during the terrific weather. She has been planting up her window boxes. Brilliant Ava! As part of his Viking project Kian (P6) has been on Minecraft and built a Viking village and a Longship. Fantastic Maths, Coding and fun all rolled into one Kian! Aoibhinn (P2) and her Mum have been learning lots of new skills over the past few weeks. They have really enjoyed learning all about Makaton. This has made my day Aoibhinn and I love that smile! Thank you so much to all the Mums, Dads, boys, girls and the school staff that have taken part in our 'Make, Bake, Grow and Learn' challenge everyday for the past four weeks. We hope you have enjoyed seeing all of the photographs and videos of all that you have been up to as much as we have. It has been very heartening and uplifting to see how our schooling community has adapted to this new challenge. As we nearly complete these particular challenges we would dearly would love to see your photographs of your child taking part in learning activities over the next few days and we will add them to our web site. Send all to