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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Welcome back P4!

8th Nov 2023

After a lovely Halloween break, P4 came back to school very willing and able to learn lots this week. There was much discussion about the recent floods as they worked on their new WAU ‘Wild Weather’ topic. They enjoyed delving into the ‘Weatherbies’ on the c2k Newsdesk as part of their WAU research too.

For Numeracy, it was all about ‘Subtraction’ this week as the boys and girls used a range of mental maths strategies, number squares, textbook work and Mathletics to further develop the concept and language of ‘Subtraction’.

During Literacy, the ‘oo’ sound was the phonics focus with extended sentences the focus for grammar. The class also enjoyed ‘Reading for Enjoyment Time’ in anticipation of Accelerated Reader beginning for P4 in the weeks and months ahead.

For Religion, it was all about the prayers and responses during mass. They also worked on the P4 assembly which will take place on Friday 17th November at 1.05pm and to which all P4 parents are invited. The children are looking forward to showcasing their reading, art, PDMU and singing skills at their assembly. Mrs O’Neill is very proud of all their hard work.