Welcome Back
It was great to welcome everyone again back to school and once again hear the delightful sounds of chatter and laughter as we all got caught up with each other and the pupils met with their new teachers. There is no homework being sent home this week as we ease our pupils back into the school routine but we have some homework for our parents to complete. Your child should have returned home today with a series of letters and forms to complete. Many of these are needed to be returned back to school and we we ask that all returns be in school by Friday 2nd September 2022. A copy of these letters is also attached below and these are also added to the parents section of the school website.
We also ask that if you intend for your child to attend the upcoming Breakfast club, which begins on Monday 5th September, that you indicate this to the school by Friday 2nd September to allow us to make the necessary preparations. This can be done in writing through a note to your child's class teacher or via email to info@stmarysps.portaferry.ni.sch.uk Payment is not necessary in advance.
St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, 53 Windmill Hill, Portaferry, Newtownards, BT22 1RH Phone: 028 4272 8278