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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

World Around Us walk for P3 and P5

5th Sep 2022

Today we took advantage of the good weather and went for a walk to use what we have learnt so far in our topic and apply it to our local environment. The P3 and P5 children were put into mixed groups to help each other out in spotting things that are made from natural and man-made materials. The P3 children had their investigating eyes open and gave lots of ideas for the P5 children to record on their sorting sheets. We saw so many different things that we needed to use 2 pages! There was a lot of discussion about whether to sort the windmill into natural or man-made, as it is mostly made from stone but the windmill itself was built. It was a great start to our topics and got our brains working as well as our legs!