Mission Statement

St Mary’s Primary School
Mission Statement
“Let your light shine”
- SUCCEED - We work together so everyone can be the very best they can be.
- INSPIRE - We have passion and pride in all we do resulting in all adults and children reaching their own goal.
- CELEBRATE - We celebrate and praise every achievement, however big or small, for everyone in our school family.
- HAPPINESS - We are a happy school of happy learners and we build strong relationships in a safe and supportive environment.
We aim to create a calm and caring school family within a climate of joy, freedom, respect, challenge, co-operation and celebration. We strive to provide opportunities for the development of the whole person, so that as well as succeeding intellectually, each child will also be supported in developing their imagination, creativity, spirituality, emotional, physical and social skills. This is reinforced by maintaining home-school-parish links with the child at its centre.
Crucial to the creation of this environment is a commitment to the Christian values of love, faith, justice and peace. This is within a culture of tolerance, where each member of the school family, be they child, staff member or parent, is recognised, welcomed, respected and cherished.
We aim to establish a community which promotes a spirit of charity, social justice, global awareness and concern for others leading to practical outreach and partnerships. In doing so, we will enable the children to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives which will contribute to the wider world. Our school aims to be person-centred, promoting the dignity, self-esteem and full development of everyone in the school community, as we are each made in God’s image and uniquely loved by God.
St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, 53 Windmill Hill, Portaferry, Newtownards, BT22 1RH Phone: 028 4272 8278