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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

News - Primary 7

2022/2023 School Year

10th Feb 2023
Since the beginning of this school year, Mr Denvir, Literacy Co-ordinator, has reported...
9th Feb 2023
We, as a school, are delighted to confirm that we have renewed our subscription for...
1st Feb 2023
Today we celebrated St. Brigid’s day in primary 6 and primary 7 by making our...
30th Jan 2023
PLease find attached a letter issued to all Primary 7 pupils today in school and...
27th Jan 2023
Congratulations to our Indoor Girls Camogie team who today were crowned Indoor County...
13th Jan 2023
Our Primary 4/5/6/7 Pupils regularly use the online Accelerated Reader and Mathletics...
12th Jan 2023
As part of our Literacy work P7 looked at brochures to identify persuasive words...
21st Dec 2022
There was great merriment and singing as our Primary 5/6/7 pupils enjoyed their Christmas...
20th Dec 2022
Mrs O’Neill is delighted to announce the amazing uptake and achievements in...
9th Dec 2022
Please find attached a letter from myself and the latest advice received from PHA...